Sandrine Gameiro

Autora Compositora Intérprete

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  • 2003 : J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide (EP)


    Sandrine a participé au titre « J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide » en tant que choriste.

    1. J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide (Radio Edit)
    2. J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide (Remix Edit)
    3. J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide (Long Remix)
    4. Il faut sauver le soldat Nikos
    5. Mitsubishit
    6. Fièvel Fares 1
    7. Fièvel Fares 2

    Categories: Discografia

    One Response so far.

    1. Jimmy diz:

      I think the wars in the middle east are useless. Terrorism could be prevented with border security at any point–that it isn’t proves this war isn’t about self-defense, but more PC social exrotimentapien and irrational universalism. Because of this, McCain might even be the worst candidate of the three.

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