Sandrine a participé au titre « J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide » en tant que choriste.
- J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide (Radio Edit)
- J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide (Remix Edit)
- J’ai plus de thunes j’suis raide (Long Remix)
- Il faut sauver le soldat Nikos
- Mitsubishit
- Fièvel Fares 1
- Fièvel Fares 2
Categories: Discografia
I think the wars in the middle east are useless. Terrorism could be prevented with border security at any point–that it isn’t proves this war isn’t about self-defense, but more PC social exrotimentapien and irrational universalism. Because of this, McCain might even be the worst candidate of the three.